case study

Contracting + Commissioning Agent power generation

person responsible for the project
Marek Sliwa
Contracting Manager
Industry: power generation
Service: Globetek Engineering
Resource -> Contracting + Commissioning Agent
Project: Construction of a 490MWe gas-fired unit at Żerań CHP Plant

In 2020, during the beginning of the cold and hot start-up of the new gas-steam unit at the Żerań CHP plant, the General Contractor asked us to urgently support the start-up of the Ballance of Plant (BoP) part.

Within a few days we presented a candidate who was accepted by the head of the startup, and in the following two weeks we mobilized and provided the selected candidate with a package of training and certifications necessary to start working at the facility (i.e. SCC, SEP, Health and Safety).

Our quick action and the trust we earned with our involvement in the project resulted in our being entrusted with further positions in the commissioning and operator teams, as well as in the structures of the Japanese gas turbine supplier.

Our team was also trusted at the warranty stage, where they were entrusted with troubleshooting at the stage after the facility was handed over to the Investor.

During the implementation of the project, we secured the following scopes:

  • Electrical and I&C Supervision of Gas Turbine
  • Shift Operator
  • Shift Electrician
  • PTW Engineer

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